Private Message for friends of Chris Farrell 🕺
Please watch this short video now...
All the juicy details you need to know:
PLEASE NOTE: Please do not share this information with anyone!
📌 LIVE EVENT: Quantitative Artificial Intelligence Trading (!!!!!) - with Chris Farrell
📌 WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I want to share with you an incredible, brand-new opportunity to make 2% - 2.5% DAILY returns, using something called Quantitative Trading combined with AI. No one is teaching this. It is cutting-edge, but also incredibly simple (and fun!)
📌 DATE: Saturday, 28th January 2023
TIME: 11 am UK
Noon Europe
That’s 6 am Eastern
3 am Pacific (sorry LA)
10 pm Sydney
For a full list of time zones — click here (will open in new window)
📌 WILL THIS BE RECORDED?: I will record this, yes, but I really do encourage you to try and join me live - as you'll be able to ask questions, and I truly KNOW that this will be a very valuable use of your time.
📌 LINK TO JOIN: I am hosting this presentation on zoom. You can have your camera on if you want.
Here is the link to join. Simply click this a few minutes before the start time:
PLEASE NOTE: Please note this link - or save this webpage. I will NOT be emailing you this link - so this page is literally the only place to join the presentation.
📌 QUESTIONS: If you have any questions - please feel free to reach out to how I contacted you. Or you can email me at [email protected]
Hope to see you on Saturday!!! It will be fun I promise you!!
Best and kindest
~ chris
Jan 24th, Freezing cold England 🥶
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
I mentioned this in the video above - but let me repeat this here.
There is NOTHING in this for me by sharing this opportunity with you! There is nothing to sell or anything.
I want to share this with you because -- frankly, you are a friend - I like you 💛 - and I want to share something with you that I know will help you!
In this cost of living crisis - I have been working hard on studying various other passive income opportunities.
I have been testing something that I can't quite get my head around how incredible it is 😀
It allows us to make between 2 - 2.5% a day in profit.
This thing I want to share with you is a combination of AI, web 3.0 and crypto. As you no doubt know -- AI has enjoyed explosive growth in just the last few months -- but it is still so new to 99% of people.
This thing I want to share with you is called Quantitative Artificial Intelligence Trading.
I'm sure you have TONS of questions -- but I will go through EVERYTHING this weekend.
I REALLY hope you can carve out an hour to join me.
There will only be about 20 of us or so on this call - and as I say - there is NOTHING to sell.